Spectrascopic is an independent production company dedicated to creating creative non-fiction cinema.

Todd Chandler is a filmmaker whose work has been featured at SXSW, True/False, the Hammer Museum, Mattress Factory, True/False, Torino Film Festival, Brooklyn Museum, Mass MoCA, 01SJ Biennial, and the San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art. His projects have been written about in Filmmaker Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, BBC, and New York Magazine. He has received fellowships and support from Creative Capital, Sundance Institute, Field of Vision, New York Foundation for the Arts, Jerome Foundation, New York State Council for the Arts, Experimental Television Center, the Corporation of Yaddo, and the Wexner Center for the Arts. He was one of Filmmaker Magazine’s 25 New Faces of Independent Film in 2019 and a 2017 Points North Fellow.